Annaikonline Twitch Branding

Logo Design & Branding · Twitch Stream Graphics

In addition to graphic design and web development, I’m also a Twitch streamer specializing in variety game play and music production. I took it upon myself to design my own stream graphics, which allowed me to develop a better understanding of how to compose assets for a live stream.

What I learned is how to create graphics that were lightweight enough to stay out of the way of the interface of whichever game I was playing so the content could truly be featured, while also maintaining a consistent brand and encouraging community interaction. The designs included a base for a stream starting, ending, and be right back stream, a scene for just chatting with my viewers, and an overlay for game play. I also created matching banners for the information sections on my stream page.

While I’m comfortable with making stream graphics, I’m not the best emote artist. I commissioned artist and fellow streamer Ancarrowart to design my emotes. These were based on the fantastic bright green hair I had at the time, and even though my hair is no longer such a bold color, I still adore these emotes.